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Taylor earned Brooke honor

2023-04-05 19:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Every teacher leaves a mark on the hearts and minds of their students, whether it is through a single lesson or a lifetime of influence.

That couldn’t be more evident than with the 32-year career of Rick Taylor. The former Brooke High School music teacher, choir director, assistant band director and theatrical producer has been recognized with the naming of the high school’s auditorium in his honor.

It was in this same auditorium where Taylor conducted hundreds of performances with his various ensembles and directed numerous plays, and it was in that auditorium on March 25 he was asked to take up the director’s post once again to lead a gathering of more than 100 alumni of the school’s Madrigal Choir who came together to pay tribute to a man who made a difference in their lives through a love of music.

The moment was made even more special as Taylor’s mentor and predecessor, Ronald Miller, and two of his successors, current choir director Isaac Cardot and Taylor’s son Nic, joined in with the tribute.

Many thanked Taylor for his years of work with his students, noting he has an ability to find their talent, no matter how deep it may be buried, and bring it out.

He was patient, encouraging, and, above all, looked out for those under his charge.

The people of Brooke County are fortunate to have such an example of an educator as Rick Taylor in their midst.

It is one we know will continue through his own work, as well as those he taught throughout his career.


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